My album Once Upon A Train did not make my Top Five List.
Artist: Phil Kane Label: PhalKan Tunes Genre: Americana, Folk, Country, Rock Release Date: 2020 Written Date: 2020 Song: We The people Yes, Black Lives Matter! Before I post any other posts/songs I thought I should say something about how I feel about this time in our history of America, and how I can’t ignore what’s Read More…
In his article, Fascism Anyone? Laurence W. Britt made the analysis that Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Franco’s Spain, Salazar’s Portugal, Papadopoulos’s Greece, Pinochet’s Chile, and Suharto’s Indonesia revealed fourteen common threads that link them in recognizable patterns of national behavior and abuse of power. These basic characteristics are more prevalent and intense in some regimes Read More…
Art is cool My wife and I like to take drives to small towns and find a hike nearby or walk the town. We also like finding jewels of restaurants in these small towns. Then we found another good excuse for these excursions, “post office art work.” Back in 2017 we went to the Cascadia Read More…