Artist: Phil Kane
Label: PhalKan Tunes
Genre: Americana
Release Date: 2021
Written Date: 2018
Song Title: I Had a Dream
Just a song that came up. I did have a dream where there were cats all around, in all kinds of colors, including, red and purple. I wasn’t asked by one of the cats “What is it you want to understand?” but I was told, in a dream, years ago, by a quart jar or some kind of old lantern, with a bright light emanating from it, that I could ask it any question, and then I woke up. I might have found the reason “why” everyone is so concerned about.
I had a dream, it was my dream don't dare tell me what it means there was a room it was full of cats don't want to hear what you think about that A cat said, to the man what is it you want to understand I don't know just tell me this how do I find my bliss how do I find my bliss look at your life listen to your life x2 Joseph Campbell said to follow my bliss don't be afraid, follow your bliss doors will open, walk on through to a better place, a better you Joseph Campbell what I'm hearing is this that I can find my bliss if I listen to the fears I face and try to live a life full of grace and try to live a life full of grace look at my life listen to my life x2 I had a dream, it was my dream don't dare tell me what it means there was a man with a funny hat don't want to hear what you think about that The man said, am I in a dream and I said, so it seems you're just a piece of my mind what have you got me to tell this time look at your life listen to my life look at your life listen to your life