Written By Phil Kane

The Painter’s Remorse, AKA, The Poet, The Painter and the Pornographer is about a 45-year-old artist who meets The Poet, a 16 year old runaway. He takes her away from The Pornographer, on the run now they team up with an old acquaintance and her 16-year-old son and rob The Pornographer’s drug den of $100,000.
After hacking into The Pornographer’s security system the FBI watch along with The Pornographer as his drug den is being robbed. The FBI is after The Pornographer/drug dealer and needs The Painter as a witness.
After The Painter intimates that they are headed to Nashville via Arizona and the four corners to the FBI, the crew sets off on a road trip through Yellowstone park, the Grand Tetons, and Branson Missouri, on their way to Nashville, where The Poet’s father lives.
The woman acquaintance is a wannabe country singer and her son plays the guitar, along the way they turn one of The Poet’s poems into a song. The four become a very close knit family unit, protective and loving to each other.
There is a scene where they get into a brawl at a truck stop with some drunks.
There is another scene where The Painter and his former Protégé get the giggles so bad they have to leave a restaurant making the two teenagers embarrassed.
In Branson, Missouri they spend some of The Pornographer’s money buying new western outfits, complete with cowboy hats, a laptop for the Poet, and a new guitar for the son. They celebrate kind of sadly knowing this is the last night they will be together.
When they reach the father’s house in Nashville, the FBI and The Pornographer are waiting for them. There is a big confrontation in front of the house when The Pornographer grabs The Poet and demands his money back. The FBI swarm around him guns drawn, he releases her then grabs her again threatening her with a knife, The Painter reaches out and stabs him with a paintbrush he carries behind his ear, The Pornographer drops the knife and lets go of the girl, The Painter and The Pornographer fight until the FBI pulls them apart.
Contact: philekane@gmail.com to read screenplay